Welcome to Eseta mines

Eseta Mines Scholarship

In 2020 Eseta Mines filled over 50 old mining holes dug by others. Some small and some the size of automobiles. 

About Eseta Mines Scholarship

Eseta Mines is offering a scholarship to a local senior high school student in the Harris Park/Bailey area. Home schoolers are encouraged to apply as well. 

We would love to see a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in geology, forestry or related degree but all are welcome!

Today, we are starting with $200 of our own money, but we hope to get this a bit higher during the year. We have a goal of at least $1000 depending on sales. 

On all Eseta Mines apparel at least 30% of all profits will go to the scholarship fund. You can order below as there are 100s of items.

On all other items from Eseta Mines we will give at least 10% of the profits to the scholarship this includes, displays, rocks, crystals and anything else sold here or in local shops.

We are still working on how to present this scholarship as this is the first year of it, maybe July 4th at Harris Park’s Huck Finn Fishing Derby and Picnic 2021 or soon after.

The only rule is you must be a graduating high school senior in the Bailey/Harris Park area in 2021. 

Check here during the year for amount updates in the scholarship fund.

Current fund is $201 as of 10/1/2020.

If you would like to add to our scholarship fund directly any help is appreciated. Please email [email protected]

How to Qualify for the Scholarship

Just send us a couple page essay below on your plans for the future to be considered for the scholarship. 


Eseta Mines Apparel For Sale

At the apparel store there are 100s of items in all colors and sizes to choose from including cell phone cases, hats, even baby and puppy stuff.

30% of all profits go towards the Eseta Mines scholarship for a senior in the Bailey – Harris Park area. 

The Eseta Mines Store


Check out our cool selection of Colorado dug and made jewelry. 

Necklaces, rings, earrings and more.

These displays are made of wood and minerals found on the Eseta Mines.

These displays are loaded with Amazonite and Quartz.

They are all made in Colorado with real moss and live succulents.

We are happy to do a custom theme for you.

Prices vary from $100 to $3000 depending on the quality of the Amazonite and Quartz.  

We have a variety of Amazonite and Quartz for sale including matrixes, pieces, polished, and full crystals of both.


Perfect for any jewelry makers or mineral collectors. 


We Can Help!

Getting a current map of mine claims can be a challenge. We can help.

If you plan to dig in the Harris Park area you can email us the GPS coordinates to see if you are on our claims. 

We Can Help!

Want to make a mining claim but have no clue how to file paperwork with BLM? We can help. 

Eseta Mines are located north of Harris Park Colorado

Or one hour west of Denver

Don't forget to check out Colorado's Ultimate Fishing Map
